The Information Africa Organization (IAO) is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in Kenya by the NGO council. The main objective of the organization is to build capacity among the youth in Information Communication (ICT) to enhance use of information available in the cyberspace for development. The full description of IAO’s objective is found here.
At the site, the current question under discussion has to do with information overload, a subject often given attention in the KM/knowledge services discipline. The IAO discussion forum raises the issue by noting that information overload and professional/scientific language are barriers to information flow, and goes on to state that “implementable decisions are based on clear information (where clarity includes language used).”
The question for discussion is: How best can professionals in information and related fields (which, in my opinion, includes strategic knowledge specialists, knowledge managers, and knowledge strategists) aid in simplifying information to support formulation of timely and relevant policies?
Reply to this post with your response (comments will be published here and passed on to IAO). If you wish to respond directly, link to the IAO Discussion Forum.
Looking forward to hearing what colleagues working in KM/knowledge services have to say.
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