For a couple of years now, I’ve been playing around with some pretty important changes I’ve observed in the overall KM/knowledge services/knowledge strategy picture.
Clients and colleagues are doing things differently than they were a few years ago, and I’m watching with considerable interest what’s happening here.
And it’s an appropriate time to be thinking about these things, since in June we’ll have the tenth anniversary of my first mention of knowledge services (it was in the June, 2001 issue of Information Outlook).
In that article – “Knowledge Services: Your Company’s Key to Performance Excellence – I described the concept of converging information management, knowledge management, and strategic learning into an overarching management methodology that brings knowledge development and knowledge sharing (what we now refer to as “KD/KS”) into the corporate mainstream. I called the concept “knowledge services.”
So recognizing the anniversary is appropriate, and with attention to the new way of looking at KM I’ve been observing ( I’ve written a little about the subject here), I’m going to be talking about this subject a lot over the next few months, including several speaking engagements which I’ll announce here from time to time.
Last week, Dennie Heye of the European Chapter of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) got the ball rolling with an interview with me. Happy to share the link with anyone who wants to hear about some of the ways we’re thinking about “the new KM.”
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