Our KM/Knowledge Services Community Discussion Forum will meet again on Wednesday, January 5, 2021, at 12:45 PM (ET).
Our subject is Humanist Management and Knowledge Services, and I will be the host and moderator for our first discussion in the new year.
Humanist management – as a subject – was introduced to our knowledge strategy colleagues several months ago, in SMR’s Knowledge Services Blog. The post, written with my fellow knowledge services enthusiast Jake Gach, led off with a specific question for those of us working with knowledge services: If we seek to connect knowledge services with humanist management, what do we get?
In our up-coming meeting we’ll begin with a brief commentary on humanist management. Then we’ll discuss how we, as knowledge strategists, can lead the way in our organizations and communities by moving toward a humanist approach as we work with knowledge services.
And, sort of parenthetically, as we end the holiday season, might this not be an appropriate time to think about humanist management and how it might be applied in our work?.
In fact, if we have time, perhaps we’ll even connect with what was talked about in the December discussion, when John Hovell shared his thoughts about conversational leadership. It would not be such a big stretch, since many of us working with knowledge services see a close relationship between what happens in conversational leadership and what happens when we advance toward humanism in our professional specialty. I’ve often said that it’s my opinion that conversational leadership connects knowledge services with what we’ve been trying to do for the past thirty years. Can we now make the same link between knowledge services and humanist management?
To reserve your place, go to https://www.meetup.com/km-knowledge-services-community/and sign in. On the day of the meeting, click on the direct link for the meeting which you’ll find at the right of the description. Looking forward to having you with us.
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