[Originally published at Sharing Guy’s Journey, June 26, 2020.] In these difficult times, it’s easy to fall into a trap, thinking about what’s happening as if it’s happening just in our own community or workplace. But isn’t there value in looking at the broader picture? Of course we’re reading the local newspapers, and some of us …
The Recovery Challenge: Isn’t This an Opportunity for Knowledge Strategists?
Sadly, my post of May 18 was premature. When I wrote it, I offered advice that I innocently thought would support knowledge strategists as we struggle to meet the challenges of the pandemic. And in particular, by leading our employing organizations in the development of the organizational recovery plan. But so much has happened since …
Knowledge Services in the “New Normal”
Any number of advisors, web sites, and articles (academic and popular) are coming up with recommendations for dealing with the “new normal.” It’s the term we hear a lot – the nearly ubiquitous phrase being tossed about to give us some sort of common tag for anticipating and describing the times we’ll be living in, …
Using Knowledge Sharing to Fight COVID-19
No matter how much we try, there is no way we can appreciate the importance of what is happening to us. As a society, we’re talking about nothing else, and that’s how it should be. Our very lives are in danger, and if it reminds us of anything, some of us are old enough to …
Knowledge Services and Covid-19
In every organization, those working with knowledge services generally fall into one of two groups. Some are designated as the organization’s “knowledge strategist” and have an appropriate job description to go with the title. Others are simply management and/or leadership employees with knowledge strategy responsibility, whether formally recognized or just “built-in” to what they do. …