The third type of knowledge professional I’ve identified is the organizational or corporate knowledge strategist, the employee whose work is that generally thought of as the management of knowledge services. With knowledge services usually defined – as noted in earlier posts on this subject – as the convergence of information management, KM, and strategic learning, or, perhaps better …
Drucker Management for Libraries
The management of non-profits was always one of Peter Drucker’s great interests, and he gave much attention to the role of management excellence and its importance for non-profits, particularly later in his work. In The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Nonprofit Organization (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993), Drucker expressed his goals …
KM/Knowledge Services: Can We All Play? Are Universities Included Too?
Is it possible to apply KM/knowledge services principles and philosophies in every type of workplace? In every kind of subject specialization? Discipline? How does KM/knowledge services vary in different environments?